Monday, May 12, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Hi. My name is Ben. I work at Westminster College in Salt Lake City as the Technology Architect for the Professional Bachelor of Business Administration Program (PBBA). I am also an Adjunct Professor for the School of Education where I teach classes on technology use in education.

This is going to be my professional personal blog. Entries on this site will be about my personal and professional life which often seem to get entertwined. If you would like to see a blog about my family that my wife maintains you can see it at:

Currently I am preparing to teach a course for the summer of 2008 called "Computer Based Instruction". I have decided to teach this class with a slightly different slant then what I think was originally intended for this class. I have decided to focus on the key advances in online learning that have changed the way we learn. Specifically the class will be focusing on wikis, blogs and podcasts as well as a host of other technologies.

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